One of the youngest joint ventures in the aviation industry, bringing together elements of Rolls-Royce and Snecma, has begun to explain precisely what its terms of reference will be.

London-based Rolls-Royce Snecma - which came into being on 9 May - says at Le Bourget that its initial task will be to establish an acquisition plan for military aero-engine technologies required in the future.

Chief executive Guillaume Giscard d'Estaing says: "The purpose of the JV is to be in a position to develop an engine for any future combat aircraft in which the UK and French governments both participate... acting as prime contractor and as a single point of contact for the governments and being in charge of whole engine integration studies."


The programmes R-R Snecma will run are related to military combat engines. The first years will be devoted to acquiring technology to carry the existing joint AMET (advanced military engine technology) programme into its next phase.

The company "will also be responsible for collaborative propulsion studies on the future offensive air system (FOAS)," he says.

Work associated with R-R Snecma's technology programmes will be subcontracted to the parent companies, though the agreement could be extended to other companies as programmes evolve.

The companies have worked together over many years on programmes such as the Adour, RTM322 and MTR390.

Source: Flight Daily News