There is plenty of sense in the old adage about not crossing bridges in advance of one's arrival at them; but, equally, it is a dull scout or foolish virgin who is caught unprepared. Although for a start only a few of the larger cities can expect to have helicopter services, it would be stupid not to prepare for the large network of routes which will certainly develop over these islands and the continent of Europe. Frequency and volume of services and the number of other centres served will be the main factors in the popularity and financial success of such operations. Rotorbus services should eventually be run with the same lack of formalities as motor 'bus services, not in grandiose airline style.

New German Chief

Officially nominated to command the new West German Air Force is General Galland. Now 42 years of age, he has for the last five years acted as Air Force adviser to General P‚ron in Argentina. As a Luftwaffe fighter pilot Galland is said to have shot down 96 allied aircraft; in 1945 he was himself shot down by a Mustang.

E.T.P.S. Evening

The graduation of the thirteenth course from the Empire Test Pilots' School at Farnborough was marked by the annual dinner, at which the McKenna Trophy was awarded. Discussing the remarkable international talent represented by the test pilots' course, Vice-Admiral Caspar John said that, to ensure quality of aircraft in the future, Service and industry test pilots should remain completely integrated, as they were on that occasion. It was not enough to produce a machine that flew perfectly throughout its speed range. All equipment had to work and, to use the new expression, a "weapons system" was the requirement. The speaker concluded with good wishes to all the test pilots.

R.A.F. Bravery Awards

For bravery during outbreaks of fire F/O. J. H. W. Lamey has been awarded the M.B.E and S.A/C. C. Smith the B.E.M. In a power station at No. 16 M.U., a serious explosion was followed by fire. F/O. Lamey forced his way through smoke and burning fuel oil to rescue an engineman. S.A/C. Smith received his award for driving away from a line of Meteors a tanker which had caught fire during refuelling. He had never driven a vehicle of this type before and the driver's cab was already on fire; yet he drove it some 150 yards on to the airfield. 

Source: Flight International