After reading about runway shortages in the UK's south east (Flight International, 29 January - 4 February), the question that occurs to me is why are all efforts being concentrated on the BAA Airports?

If Gatwick is being looked at for two new runways, should such an expansion take place to the detriment of the local villages and in contravention of the planning agreement between BAA Gatwick and the local authority? The south east needs another runway, but are all options being considered?

London Manston is 100km (60 miles) from London and a similar size to Stansted. Many living in the area are keen for expansion. Much of the work to facilitate this has already been carried out, but the government needs to provide better roads and a rail connection so that it can compete.

We should continue to develop London's main airports while updating other airports so they can assist with future capacity shortfalls.

The UK government needs to recognise the importance of aviation to the economy, and come out with a sustainable policy that enables the UK to maintain its world status.

Gary Banks

Manston, UK

Source: Flight International