The European action plan for the prevention of runway incursions comprises many recommendations that say things like "ensure compliance with International Civil Aviation Organisation provisions", "better (joint) training", "improve situational awareness using aviation English", "impose clear flightdeck and air traffic control procedures", and so on.

When implemented, these procedures will indeed reduce runway incursions, but we are missing a final safety net like the airborne traffic collision and avoidance system, while recognising that the pilot is the last link in the chain.

Current technology can provide such a system. Jeppesen's Taxi Position Awareness system, the winner of the training and safety category in this year's Aerospace Industry awards, is just the beginning.

Given the accuracy GPS can now provide, it is feasible to design a system that could show aircrew information about the position and direction of movement of other ground vehicles and aircraft that are entitled to move on the runway. Using the ATC transponder in a new ground mode, an enhanced taxi moving map would provide the aircrew with full situational awareness. An additional alert and warning system would complete the safety net. If the tower controller had the same display available, the need for a surface movement radar could become redundant.

H C J Dikkers Nieuwe Wetering, the Netherlands

Source: Flight International