Flight International online news 09:00GMT: All-Boeing low-fare operator Ryanair has outlined how the strike by machinists at its US aircraft manufacturing supplier has forced it to make changes to its flight schedule caused by delays in the delivery of seven aircraft.

The Irish low-cost operator says the Boeing industrial dispute, which started in early September, has delayed the September and October aircraft deliveries until November and December.

Ryanair CEO Michael O’Leary told Flight sister publication Air Transport Intelligence: “Ryanair is now assuming that these disruptions will continue until at least the end of October …and is keen to give passengers the maximum degree of notice, and has therefore taken steps with regard to its September/October flight programme.”

These measures include the following:

Three 737-200 aircraft which were due to be retired in September will continue in service until the end of October

• New base launches in Liverpool and Pisa, which are scheduled to commence on 27 September and 10 October will go ahead using a new 737-800 as delivered by Boeing in early September, and one of three spare -800s during October

• Around 200 flights have been amalgamated during October

O’leary said if the dispute continues until Christmas, the carrier would have to make cancellations and delay new route development in December and January.


Source: Flight International