Irish budget carrier Ryanair is exercising five of its Boeing 737-800 options, taking its firm commitment to the aircraft to 230.

The aircraft will be delivered during the first half of 2007; one each in February, March and April, and two in May. The options are part of those originally placed in 2002 and subsequently expanded earlier this year. In February it ordered 70 more firm 737-800s for delivery between 2008 and 2012, taking its firm commitments for the aircraft prior to today to 225 aircraft, and raised its options on the type to193.

"The Boeing 737-800 has the lowest unit operating cost and the addition of these five aircraft will continue to enable Ryanair to develop more new routes across Europe and bring low fares to many more European consumers," says Ryanair chief executive Michael O'Leary.

Source: Flight Daily News