TWO TEAMS HAVE been eliminated from the competition to upgrade US Air Force Northrop T-38 trainers. The USAF has short-listed six teams for the T-38 avionics-update programme, dropping Harris and Singapore Aerospace (SAe). Lockheed Martin had earlier withdrawn its bid.

Harris and SAe were informed on 6 May that their bids were "out of the competitive range", eliminating them from the contest. Harris was teamed with Dee Howard (aircraft modification), FlightSafety International (training devices) and Boeing (logistic support). SAe had planned to use its Alabama-based Mobile Aerospace subsidiary for aircraft modification, and had selected AlliedSignal avionics and Dual simulators.

Shortlisted are Chrysler Technologies Airborne Systems (CTAS), Lockheed Martin Tactical Systems (formerly Loral Federal Systems), McDonnell Douglas, Northrop Grumman, Rockwell and Tracor. CTAS was recently bought by Raytheon E-Systems.

The USAF will request best and final offers from the short-listed teams on 28 May, with responses due by 5 June. Selection of a winner is scheduled for July.

Source: Flight International