Space Imaging Middle East (E304) is stepping up its co-operation with the UAE air force by providing new, automated workflow software for the service’s UAV Research and Technology Centre.
The centre, located at Abu Dhabi’s Al Butein air base, became operational earlier this year and Space Imaging Middle East (SIME) initially provided satellite imagery, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and consultancy services.
Now it is providing new software, developed in-house, to help analysts studying satellite imagery.

The software, C Analyst Plus, automates the reception of data and organises it so that it can be searched electronically. After an analyst has made his observations, the data can then be sent to his superiors. The system cuts out the paperwork previously involved with the process.
“We’re taking a step forward from just providing satellite imagery,” says SIME marketing executive Amar Saleem.
SIME says that its satellite imagery helps the UAE preserve its security and that the country’s law enforcement agencies are increasingly making use of GIS to improve data management and share information across jurisdictions.

Source: Flight Daily News