The first dedicated space tourist flight will be launched by Russia in 2005. A 10-day Soyuz TMA mission will carry two fare-paying tourists and a spacecraft commander.

The tourists will book their $20 million seats through the US-based Space Adventures company, which has signed a deal with the Russian space agency, Rosaviakosmos, for two flights. Around 12 people have applied to Space Adventures and two will be named in about 60-90 days, says the company.

The second flight may carry one tourist and two International Space Station (ISS) mission crew. Previous Space Adventures customers were the first space tourist Dennis Tito from the USA and South African Mark Shuttleworth, both of whom flew to the ISS.

Despite tourist demand, Russia will still charge $20 million a flight. Rosaviakosmos hopes to raise up to half its annual budget from such missions.

Source: Flight International
