Israel Aircraft Industries' Arrow anti-ballistic missile (ABM) system won the company the top prize in the Space and Missiles category.

Last September Arrow performed its first operational test, destroying an air-launched Black Sparrow missile which was mimicking the flight profile of an incoming ballistic weapon. The system was declared fully operational in October, and in March this year the Israeli Air Force formally accepted Arrow into service.

Finalists were Northrop Grumman, with its development of the BAT munition, and the Surrey Space Centre (SSC) and commercial arm Surrey Satellite Technology (SSTL) for the design, manufacture and orbiting of the SNAP-1 nanosatellite.

Northrop Grumman's BAT is the first precision submunition to use airborne acoustics to autonomously detect and attack targets.

The launch of SNAP-1 represented a number of firsts in spacecraft development, showing that small but sophisticated spacecraft can be built and operated in orbit at very low cost.

Source: Flight Daily News
