All four of NASA's Space Shuttle orbiters were at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida, on 5 March after the return of Columbia and Atlantis on the Boeing 747 Shuttle carrier aircraft. Columbia returned from Boeing's Downey, California, plant after its 17-month refurbishment, while Atlantis (pictured) returned from Edwards AFB, California, after the 19 February following its STS 98 International Space Station (ISS) mission. Meanwhile, Discovery was on launch pad 39B preparing for its 8 March ISS mission STS 102, while Endeavour was being prepared for its ISS mission - STS 100 in April. Atlantis will fly the STS 104 ISS mission in May, and Columbia will make either a non-ISS Spacelab science flight or a Hubble Space Telescope servicing mission, STS 107 in November.


Source: Flight International