All Space articles – Page 32

  • News

    ESA's material science laboratory


    The European Space Agency's materials science laboratory is housed in a NASA research rack aboard the International Space Station. It consists of a stainless...

  • NASA astronaut - c) NASA

    ESA kicks off 'human genome project' of alloys


    European Space Agency-patented process promises to deliver treasure trove of possible metal combinations.

  • News

    ISS astronauts shelter from debris


    ISS astronauts shelter from debris Astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) were briefly sent to their Soyuz lifeboats on 28 June for...

  • News

    PARIS: ESA to fire up next-gen launcher


    The European Space Agency, whose director general Jean-Jacques Dordain has described 2011 as ESA's "year of launchers", pushed that vision into the future by signing the Astrium-Avio-Snecma propulsion team to extend to a firing demonstration its work on a high-thrust cryogenic engine that could form the basis of ESA's next-generation ...

  • News

    PARIS: Cost savings boost Galileo


    Europe's much-delayed Galileo satellite navigation system has received a huge boost in the form of €500 million ($715 million)-worth of cost savings enabling the purchase and launch of enough satellites to provide near-global coverage by the end of 2014.

  • News

    PARIS: Space nations must unite on transport policy: ESA


    Europe's drive for technological non-dependence in space will not extend to manned spaceflight capabilities, says European Space Agency director-general Jean-Jacques Dordain.

  • ESA Conference

    PARIS: Europe moves to space and defence co-operation


    Further evidence of Europe marshalling its resources for a push to technological non-dependence on outside powers came yesterday in the form of a co-operation...

  • News

    PARIS: ESA signs IXV construction contract


    The European Space Agency and Thales Alenia have signed a contract to build the Intermediate eXperimental Vehicle (IXV), an unmanned testbed for atmospheric re-entry technologies.

  • Ariane 5 ES

    PARIS: Ariane 5 ES for Galileo programme poised for approval


    Europe is almost certain to push the "go" button by the end of the year for Astrium Space Transport to develop an ES version of its Ariane 5 heavylift rocket, which would allow one launch to orbit four Galileo navigation satellites.

  • News

    PARIS: EADS Astrium looking for funds to launch Spaceplane


    EADS Astrium's Spaceplane concept - designed to take four passengers 100km into sub-orbit - is edging closer to reality following the signing up of Singapore as a partner.

  • News

    PARIS: Astrium Space in missile defence push


    EADS's Astrium Space Transport hopes by 2016 to test a ballistic missile interceptor that could form the basis of a European missile defence system.

  • News

    PARIS: ESA chief confident in Galileo launches


    European Space Agency director general Jean-Jacques Dordain has expressed growing confidence in achieving the planned 20 October launch of the first two of Europe's Galileo navigation satellites.

  • Opinion

    Comment: To Mars and back – or a bust-up?


    Five hundred days locked in a windowless container outside Moscow sounds like some sort of Soviet-era re-education scheme. It would certainly be enough to...

  • magna-parva

    UK firm engineers in-orbit manufacturing


    The ability to assemble large structures in orbit gets around the difficulty, or impossibility, of having to launch them whole, with the International Space Station being the best example.

  • Ariane 5 - European Space Agency

    Europe outlines future in space


    Europe's space policy aims to ensure the continent's independence, create highly skilled jobs, boost competitiveness and improve the safety and daily lives of its citizens

  • Mars 500 crew

    Mars500 crew looks like they will make it home


    When George Bush declared in 2004 that US astronauts would resume Moon missions by 2015 and set off for Mars by the mid-2020s, the then-US president set NASA two tremendous challenges

  • Skylon - Reaction Engines

    Skylon concept could be next spaceplane


    A new spaceplane conceived by Reaction Engines could slash the cost of putting small payloads into orbit

  • correct Galileo logoW200

    Galileo launch campaign set to start - at last


    Galileo, Europe's answer to the US GPS satellite navigation system, is finally set to get off the ground, with the first two operational spacecraft set for launch on 20 October from the European spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana.

  • Masten

    NASA seeks commercial suborbital flights


    NASA has released a draft request for proposal (RFP) seeking bids for providers of suborbital flights. The RFP, released on 26 May, will award an indefinite-quantity,...

  • NasaMPCV

    NASA retools Orion capsule as MPCV


    NASA has announced its intent to move forward with the multi-purpose crew vehicle (MPCV) as a project based off and almost identical to the Orion capsule....