This week's picture is from a series of unique pictures from the Flight International spaceflight archive, which goes back to the very beginning of the space age.

Are you able to tell us the event pictured below? What is the mission? Tell us your thoughts and send us your own amusing caption by emailing Kelley Malcher, Flight's webmaster.  Answers and winning caption will be published next week. Please supply a physical location in your message.


  Space flight picture of the week

Spaceflght pic Jan 07


Spacefight pic of week 5 Jan 07

“Next time Hodgkins, let’s stop OUTSIDE the space station”
Bill Walker, London, Ontario.


Thanks to all of the readers who suggested an explanation.

Marc Passy from Houston correctly identified last week's picture. It shows the Orbiter Enterprise, with its external tank and two solid rocket boosters, in the Marshall Space Flight Center Dynamic Test Stand for a Mated Vertical Ground Vibration Test. The Enterprise was built as a test vehicle and was not equipped for space flight.

