Starsem has been awarded a contract from Eumetsat, the European meteorological satellite organisation, to launch two Metop polar platforms from 2005 aboard Soyuz ST launchers from Baikonur with an option for a third. The satellites will be launched into 840km (520 mile) polar orbits.

The ST version is equipped with a Fregat upper stage and a 4m (13.1ft) diameter Ariane 4-class payload accommodation and payload shroud enabling it to become the "reference commercial medium class launcher", says the firm.

The company, owned by EADS, Arianespace, Rosaviacosmos and Samara, also has contracts for four Globalstar mobile communications satellites on a single launch of a Soyuz model with an Ikar upper stage this year. Other contracts include the Mars Express-Beagle 2 on a Soyuz Fregat upper stage model in 2003 and 32 Skybridge multimedia satellites on 11 launches of Soyuz ST boosters. Starsem is an equity partner in Skybridge.

Starsem has so far flown six Soyuz Ikar missions carrying 24 Globalstar satellites and four European Space Agency Cluster satellites on two launches of the Soyuz Fregat.


Source: Flight International
