Sino-Soviet Air Pact The signing of a bilateral air agreement between the Soviet Union and the Chinese People's Republic was reported on December 30th. The agreement provides for the operation of reciprocal air services between Russian and Chinese cities by aircraft of both countries. At a reception given in honour of the agreement it was stated that Chinese civil aviation had been progressing rapidly in recent years, and that Chinese aircraft would be appearing regularly at the airports of foreign capitals.

'Bridges at Toko-Ri' The film of this name, based on the story by James A. Mitchener, began its London run at the Odeon cinema, Leicester Square, last week. It is hoped that Flight readers will not be dissuaded from seeing this excellent picture of carrier life during the Koeran War either by the posters advertising the film or by the recollections of misguided criticism of the book. True, there are sequences which cause some of our Fleet Air Arm stiff upper lips to break into a faint amused curve, but these are mainly due to differences between the British and American Navies and not to faults in the film. The atmosphere and strange rituals of carrier flying have been well captured and, happily, the new film has no happy ending.

The Packet The Packet is a typical example of thoughtful American aircraft design. The cockpit is extremely well arranged for a four-man crew, with excellent instrumentation and control layout in the American style, and green background colouring. A gay touch is provided by tartan seat covers and head-rests.

Pioneer Dies Jane Herveux, a pioneer woman aviator, died in a London hospital last Friday at the age of 65. She learned to fly in the monoplane in which Bl‚riot crossed the channel in 1909, and in the 1914-18 War served for five years with a French Air Force squadron, attaining the rank of captain.

Two Shackletons Lost Despite a long and careful search in the area which they were lost, up to last week-end there had been no further trace of the two Shackletons from St. Eval, Cornwall, which had been missing since Tuesday 11th.

Source: Flight International