Stewart Penney/Linköping

Saab/BAE Systems and the Swedish air force and defence materiel administration (FMV) are considering a range of updates for the JAS39 Gripen which could be introduced to the multirole fighter by 2010.

The three have written the Gripen System Development Plan to guide evolution of the JAS39 for Sweden and the export Gripen, says Saab/BAE marketing executive Tony Brown. Technologies will be "plugged in" as they become available, he adds.

The plan features an enhanced electronic warfare system, including laser warning; missile approach warning system, which could operate in infrared and ultraviolet spectrums; and towed decoys. Saab/BAE is considering the optimum location of the decoys.

An upgraded radar could become part of the EW suite, with an active electronically scanned array (ASEA) acting as a receiver ofhostile emissions and a jamming transmitter.

Range and endurance could be improved by mounting conformal fuel tanks on the upper rear fuselage or by incorporating a fuselage plug. The latter would be the same length as the two-seat aircraft with extra fuel in the fuselage plug.


The JAS39D, a version of the JAS39B two seater, could be used as an on-site battle manager with an airborne tactician seated in the rear controlling the battle and managing information supplied through the fighter's datalink. Its other new roles could include suppression or destruction of enemy air defences and an unmanned combat air vehicle flight leader.

Radar producer Ericsson is continuing work on the ASEA radar, and development of an infrared search and track system is also proceeding. Other improvements include replacing the three 130mm x 150mm (5in x 6in) monochrome multifunction displays (MFDs) with 150mm x 200mm colour displays and the introduction of an air-to-air refuelling capability.

The first flight of a Gripen with colour displays is due within weeks, while the first production JAS39 with retractable refuelling probe is in final assembly.

Source: Flight International