Airport and airline executives from all over the world will convene in Abu Dhabi on 14-15 October to explore new opportunities for growth at Routes '97.

The event will be the second annual route planning workshop organised by Airline Business and consultants Airport Strategy and Marketing Ltd (ASM), and will be sponsored by the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Civil Aviation Department.

Thirty airlines have already committed to attend, and the event is expected to attract up to 60 airline route planners and well over 100 airport marketing executives. Airline delegates will attend from both major and regional carriers worldwide, and both large and small airports will be represented.

Confidential, one-to-one meetings will be organised for all delegates, who will also attend conference sessions, workshops and social functions, including a dinner hosted by the Abu Dhabi CAD.

'With the first Routes event, held in Cannes last September, we established a unique forum which enables airline and airport planners from all over the world to meet together in one place and discuss business opportunities,' says Clive Barron, ASM managing director.

'Last year, delegates discussed a variety of initiatives, including new route opportunities, frequency increases, codesharing, and even aircraft acquisition.'

To register for an information pack for Routes '97, please fax ASM on +44 161 834 6821.

Source: Airline Business