The flying display here at Farnborough 2002 goes ahead today thanks to the timely intervention just days before the show opened of calibration experts Flight Precision.

The Teeside Airport-based company specialises in radio navigation, flight inspection and calibration.

The runway here at Farnborough features newly installed precision approach path indicators (PAPIs) now required wherever fast jet aircraft are exhibited. Farnborough airport director Graham Wood was looking for assistance to have the PAPIs checked and calibrated.

It took just 36 hours "superb co-operation with Farnborough" for a team from Flight Precision to obtain the necessary data, compile a database fly in and perform the calibration.

"Just to add a measure of piquancy, all this was done before the arrival of the first fast-jet aircraft for the show in three days time," says Flight Precision general manager Andrew Radforth. "Safety having been confirmed, the show can go on!"

Source: Flight Daily News