TRANSBRASIL HAS cancelled its order for three Boeing 777s. The Brazilian carrier informed Boeing of its decision just days before the Paris air show, held during June, but the US manufacturer has yet to announce the move officially.

Transbrasil ordered the aircraft in 1993, originally for delivery starting in 1996, but later opted to delay receipt of the aircraft until June 1997.

The A-market aircraft, to have been powered by Rolls-Royce Trent 800s, were to have been used on South American routes and longer-range services to the USA. The cancellation is a setback to the UK engine maker, which has secured only 21% of the 777 market in a fierce three-cornered fight with US rivals General Electric and Pratt & Whitney.

The Brazilian carrier swung back into the black in 1994 - the first time it had made a profit in eight years.

Source: Flight International