With more than 50 unmanned aerial vehicles present at this year's show, it has been a bumper year for what was once considered the poor relation of the aviation industry.

At the 2001 show, the organiser has secured the agreement of the air traffic authorities to allow UAVs to take to the air during the flying display, says Lars Hoppe, the air show's UAV coordinator.

"We may get a display by the Teledyne Ryan Global Hawk which would be very fitting because Charles Lindberg's aircraft, The Spirit of St Louis, was built by the original Ryan company in the 1930s and it made another historic transatlantic flight to Le Bourget."

"The organisers want to do this to increase the profile of the industry."

It is also hoped that the UAV manufacturers will exhibit together in future; moves were already made this year to have a special area for these distinctive aircraft.

Source: Flight Daily News