All United States articles – Page 129

  • Lockheed Martin F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Hill Air

    F-35 Block 3F test schedule slips as Lot 9-10 contracting drags on


    ​The Pentagon appears to be no closer to reaching an agreement with Lockheed Martin on contracts for the production of 151 F-35 Lightning II aircraft as part of low-rate production lots nine and 10.

  • Draken Douglas A-4 Skyhawk. Credit Chris Stellwag

    CAE proposes 16 Draken A-4 Skyhawks for RCAF fighter training


    Canadian training and simulation firm CAE has teamed with American warplane contractor Draken International to offer 16 Douglas A-4 Skyhawks as aggressors for Royal Canadian Air Force CF-18 combat training.

  • G120tp 640

    CAE to accept first two Grob trainers for US C-12 schoolhouse


    ​Training service provider CAE will take delivery of two Grob Aircraft G120TP single-engine turboprops next month as it begins standing up a new fixed-wing Beechcraft C-12 pilot training school at Dothan Regional Airport in Alabama for the US Army and Air Force.

  • News

    Textron's new focus on product development


    ​A static test aircraft and pieces of the first four of five planned flight test aircraft for the Cessna Citation Longitude are coming together on a makeshift assembly line inside the formerly empty bay of a Textron Aviation building known as Plant III.

  • US Forest Service HC-130H Paint Scheme. US Forest

    USAF picks Coulson Aviation to outfit HC-130Hs for firefighting


    The US Air Force has picked the Coulson Aviation USA retardant aerial delivery systems (RADS-XXL) to outfit seven former Coast Guard Lockheed Martin HC-130H search-and-rescue turboprops into firefighting assets for the Forest Service.

  • A Global Hawk remotely piloted vehicle taxis on th

    Global Hawk testers using 3D-printed nylon for ice shape testing


    Weapon testers at Edwards AFB in California have taken a unique approach to ice shape testing of the remotely pilot Northrop Grumman RQ-4B Global Hawk by laser printing simulated ice on the leading edges of the aircraft’s wings and V-tail to characterise buildup.

  • RNAF Lockheed Martin F-35s arrive at Leeuwarden Ai

    PICTURES: Two Dutch F-35s arrive at Leeuwarden Air Base


    Two Lockheed Martin F-35s belonging to the Royal Netherlands Air Force have departed North America on the first eastbound transatlantic crossing of the fifth-generation fighter type, touching down at Leeuwarden Air Base in the Netherlands at approximately 8:45pm local time.

  • BBJ MAX 9

    737 Max 7 review could lead to 7,000nm BBJ: Boeing


    Boeing Business Jets is already considering the potential longer-range version of the 737 Max 7 to fill a pre-existing gap in the VIP version of the single-aisle family, even as the airframer's Commercial Airplanes unit studies the proposed redesign.

  • G600 wing mating

    EBACE: Gulfstream accelerates first flight of G600


    ​Gulfstream announced today that the scheduled first flight the G600 business jet should come a few months early in the fourth quarter of 2016.

  • BF-04 Flt 371 piloted by Lt Col Tom Fields perform

    RAF Voyager begins F-35B refuelling certification


    The Royal Air Force’s Airbus A330 Voyager will become the fourth non-US aerial refuelling tanker to be certified to fill up the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II following recent tests with an F-35B at Naval Air Station Patuxent River in Maryland.

  • Sikorsky CRH HH-60W. Sikorsky image

    Sikorsky HH-60W team moves into detailed design phase


    The latest variant of the Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk is moving into the detailed design phase after successfully passing an air vehicle preliminary design review (PDR) by the US government.

  • Bell Helicopter AH-1Z Viper and UH-1Y Yankee. US M

    ​Bell's Venom and Viper helos court foreign sales interest


    This is not your grandfather’s Huey. That is the message H-1 programme officials at US Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) want potential foreign and domestic customers to know as they consider the latest UH-1Y and AH-1Z models, named Venom and Viper.

  • Analysis

    ANALYSIS: Jets getting tanked up on alcohol


    A specific type of alcohol-to-jet (ATJ) fuel recently became the latest kerosene alternative to be approved for use in commercial aviation – a milestone that its only producer hopes will light the touchpaper for the explosion in airline demand needed to economically scale up production.

  • Opinion

    OPINION: McCain takes aim at F-35


    ​A single organisation based in a monochrome office complex across a motorway from the Pentagon manages a global supply chain with a projected 35-year value of roughly $450 billion; more than the GDP of Austria. Its name is the bureaucratic-sounding Joint Program Office (JPO), and it manages, of course, the ...

  • Sikorsky CH-53K King Stallion. Sikorsky Image

    ​Sikorsky CH-53K likely to fall short of upper lifting requirement


    The US Marine Corps ideally wants its new Sikorsky CH-53K King Stallion to carry 13.6t (30,000lbs) externally over 110nm (204km) unrefuelled, but early analysis indicates that it will fall approximately 907kg short of that “objective” key performance requirement.

  • LS

    ​Aurora expands LightningStrike testing, eyes FVL


    Aurora Flight Sciences sees its victory over Boeing, Sikorsky and Karem Aircraft for the US Defense Advanced Research Project Agency’s $89 million “VTOL X-Plane” flight test programme as a strategic win that positions it well to someday compete in the Army’s Future Vertical Lift programme.

  • News

    EBACE: Honeywell is keeping one step ahead


    ​Speak to certain executives at the aerospace division of Honeywell and there is one word that dominates conversation: connectivity.

  • AugustaWesland/Leonardo Helicopters AW169 commerci

    VIDEO: AW169 touches down at rotorcraft convention in Florida


    AgustaWestland’s US-based AW169 commercial helicopter took time out from flight envelope expansion activities this week to thrill attendees of the American Helicopter Society (AHS) International’s 72nd annual meeting in West Palm Beach, Florida, by land in a narrow loading dock behind the local convention centre.

  • Leonardo-Finmeccanica’s helicopter division has pr

    AgustaWestland pitching TH-119 as USN trainer


    AgustaWestland has proposed a version of the commercial AW119Kx to replace the US Navy’s outdated fleet of Bell 206-based TH-57 SeaRanger trainers.

  • Puma AE thumb - AeroVironment

    USN to deploy new tube-launched UAV


    The US Navy is to deploy a newly developed tube-launched unmanned air vehicle, able to launch from below or above the surface of the ocean from either a manned or unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV).