Russia's Energia company has suggested that, if funding can be found, a new crew could inhabit the Mir space station for six months next year, rather than the short visit planned to prepare the station for de-orbiting.

The Russian move is in response to US delays to the International Space Station (ISS) project. The USA had put pressure on Russia to end its Mir activities earlier than it wanted in favour of completing its ISS modules, with NASA criticising Russia for a two-year delay to the ISS project. NASA could be put in the embarrassing position of having to admit that US delays are holding up the Russians.

Russia and China, meanwhile, have signed an agreement that could lead to the use of the Mir by China, which is preparing to launch a test flight of the Russian Soyuz-based manned spacecraft.

NASA Space Shuttle managers say a resumption of Space Shuttle flights will not occur before "mid-October". Managers are expanding the inspections of Shuttle orbiters, including more inspections of areas below the payload bay floor, after finding 38 and 26 damaged wires in the Endeavour and Discovery, respectively. To prevent future problems, some wires will be covered with plastic tubing, rough edges close to wiring will be coated and protective shielding installed.

Source: Flight International
