Helicopter operator Utair, based in Russia’s Khanty-Mansiisk region, intends to take part in the formation of Moscow’s air-taxi scheme, alongside Atlant-Soyuz.

Utair general director Andrei Martirosov says negotiations are under way with Atlant-Soyuz, which was chosen by the Moscow administration to lead the project. The Moscow city government designated Atlant-Soyuz (owned by the city) as lead operator in 2004.

Utair hopes to become the operator of a system linking key points in Moscow using light helicopters.

Moscow transport department officials say the scheme would have two parts – one operator being responsible for linking sites in the city to local airports, and another carrying passengers from those airports to 14 towns in Russia’s central region, up to 400km (215nm) from the capital using light aircraft.

The scheme is seemingly at odds with federal and local regulations forbidding flights over the capital by civil aircraft. Proponents of the scheme claim these legislative hurdles can be overcome.

Source: Flight International