UK-based Universal Target Systems is in discussion with Tasuma about development of the latter company's Hawkeye III mini unmanned air vehicle as the basis for an integrated system of military, paramilitary and civil surveillance applications.

The proposed system would comprise the basic Hawkeye III - rebadged as Vigilant for military users and Spotter for civil customers - and a scaled-up, catapult-launched version in the 50kg (110lb) weight category.

Both air vehicle types would use common flight control and avionics systems, with these drawing on equipment used in UTS's existing target drone family. They would also use the same ground control infrastructure, allowing for layered operations by military users, but the Spotter configuration would be adapted to provide a more generic level of capability.

UTS general manager David Gordon says while no formal co-operation agreement with Tasuma is yet in place, talks have been under way for several months. Tasuma loaned a Hawkeye III prototype to UTS for display at the 11-14 September DSEi exhibition in London, where Gordon said the companies have agreed to co-operatively "test the market".

UTS is also in talks with multiple sensor and payload manufacturers about potential market package options for both derivatives. Gordon says the company has been studying options for development of a civil surveillance product base for the past year, with this including sales and contracted services delivery options. Both business models are already offered by the company for its military target drone business.

The UK police and emergency services market is beginning to show active interest in use of UAVs, says Gordon, while other opportunities may develop in the areas of road traffic monitoring and wildlife management.

The basic hand-launched Vigilant air vehicle has a span of 2.2m (7ft) and a take-off weight of 25kg, and is expected to demonstrate an endurance of 4h using an electric propulsion system.

Tasuma unveiled its Hawkeye III design in mid-2006.

Source: Flight International