Accurate Automation is starting tests of its neural network flight and engine control system on its LoFLYTE subscale remotely piloted "waverider" hypersonic demonstrator aircraft.

The flight, originally scheduled to have taken place last year was delayed because "a higher priority was placed on increasing the thrust of the engine so that the aircraft could carry the larger payload needed for adding channels to the telemetry system," says the Chattanooga, Tennessee-based firm.

"We conducted engine tests in January at Edwards [AFB] and will be testing the neural control system on a propeller driven aircraft by the end of February," says the company, which adds that the first flight will be conducted at Chattanooga.

The first using the neural "fuzzy-logic" control system and the scaled turbine engine may take place at Edwards AFB, California, in March.

The LoFLYTE programme is part of NASA and the US Air Force efforts to develop core technologies for future single stage to orbit spaceplanes.

Source: Flight International
