We have received the following additions and updates to the Airline Business list of airline and aviation sites on the World Wide Web:


American Trans Air: www.ata.com

China Airlines: www.china-airlines.com

Hawaiian Airlines: www.hawaiianair.com

Middle East Airlines: www.mea.com.lb

Turkmenistan Airlines: www.infi.net/~embassy/tourist.html


Association of British Tour Operators: www.abtanet.com

Australian Department of Transport and Regional Development: www.dot.gov.au

Axeta Travel 2000: www.travel2000.com

Back Associates: www.BACKAssociates.com

Copenhagen Airport: www.cph.dk

InsideFlyer magazine: www.webflyer.com

Swedish CAA/airports: www.lfv.se

Willis Corroon: www.wilcor.com/aviation/aboutwca.htm

Source: Airline Business