Commercial users should have a greater say in running US space launch ranges, concludes a White House-led interagency review of the future management and use of these government-owned facilities.

The review was launched last March in response to issues raised by the growth of US commercial launch activity and the government's increasing reliance on commercial launch services. This will increase when the commercially owned and operated Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicles (EELVs) enter service in 2002.

The report says the USA must improve the efficiency of range operations to support commercial launches and maximise the use of state and spaceport money to maintain and modernise launch bases and ranges.

Commercial launch operators and spaceports are now responsible for running satellite and vehicle processing facilities and launch pads leased from the USAir Force. For the EELVs, which become operational in 2002, operators will be responsible for constructing the facilities and pads and the government will buy launches.

Source: Flight International
