Swiss air navigation service Skyguide has introduced a new instrument landing system (ILS) for Zurich airport's third runway, five years after a fatal landing accident prompted installation of the equipment.

The new ILS will enable aircraft to make easterly precision approaches to runway 28.

This runway was previously equipped with non-precision navigation aids, but plans to install ILS were accelerated after the fatal loss of a Crossair BAE Systems Avro RJ100 during a night approach to the runway in November 2001. Twenty four of the 33 people on board were killed in the accident.

Skyguide has installed the ILS, which cost SFr4 million ($3.2 million), on behalf of Zurich airport operator Unique. The capacity of the airport's runway 28 will remain unchanged at 28 landings an hour, as will the times of operation.

The RJ100 crashed during a night-time non-precision approach to Zurich

Source: Flight International