Lufthansa A320 to test system that will enable satellite-guided precision approaches

German air navigation service provider DFS is setting up the first European operational trial of a satellite navigation system for precision runway approaches. Its accuracy and integrity is provided by a ground-based augmentation system (GBAS), and although it will start by offering Category 1 approaches, it could eventually achieve Cat 3, says DFS.

The trial system, supplied by Honeywell, will be installed at Bremen airport, northern Germany, in 2007, and the tests will conclude in 2008 with the publication of a GBAS Cat 1 procedure, says DFS. Eurocontrol says a Lufthansa A320 series aircraft will be fitted with a special data recorder to monitor the quality of GBAS approaches at Bremen which, until the trial is complete, will be conducted in fair weather.

If successful, the system would technically be capable of replacing Bremen's instrument landing systems. But because that would require the airlines to install appropriate onboard equipment, and cost/benefit for the industry is part of the whole decision about how to advance, the ILS might remain installed for some time.

Eurocontrol's navigation dom­ain manager Roland Rawlings says GBAS is only one precision approach system under consideration for the long-term future. But he adds that trials have to start somewhere, and he is "pretty certain that, technically, this can be made to work". Rawlings says a major consideration for any ILS replacement system is that it should meet the business case as well as providing an improvement over the traditional system.

DFS says GBAS "will probably be of particular interest to operators of smaller airports that offer only non-precision approach procedures".

The DFS adds: "In the meantime, a lot of groundwork has to be done and many questions have to be resolved – mostly at international level. As of yet there are no certificated ground stations...but the hardware and software will probably be available by 2007."


Source: Flight International