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FLIGHT 20.1.1956

Three of a Kind

Existence of three versions of the Boeing 707, together comprising a “jet transport family,” was officially confirmed last Sunday in a statement by the manufacturer’s director of sales, Mr. Ralph. S. Bell. The essential aerodynamic features of all versions, he said, were being thoroughly proved in the prototype 707, which now had more than 360 hr flying to its 50 years TNcredit. The “standard” Jet Stratoliner has the designation 707-120. This type is powered by J57 turbojets and has been ordered by Pan American Airways, American Airlines and Continental Air Lines. Next comes the 707-220, ordered by Braniff Airways, which is of similar dimensions, but will be powered by an “advanced P. and W. turbojet.” Finally, there is the 707-320 Intercontinental, as ordered by PanAm, Air France and Sabena; this is a larger aircraft intended for stages of more than 5,000 miles with full payload and reserves.
Cyprus Airlift

In last week’s airlift to Cyprus, organized at short notice, 12,000 men of the 16th Independent Parachute Brigade Group H.Q. and the men of the 1st and 3rd Battalions of the Parachute Regiment were flown out in Shackletons of Coastal Command and Hastings of Transport Command. Twenty-eight Shackletons were detailed for the operation, together with 16 Hastings, the majority of the latter being used to carry the force’s equipment.
Florida Launch

The first American earth satellite is to be launched from Patrick Air Force Base, Cocoa, Florida, where there is already a missile test centre.
Migs Supplied

Part of a formidable consignment of arms recently received by Egypt from Czechoslovakia, two squadrons of Mig fighters flew over Cairo for the first time on January 15th.
Supersonic Tanker

A preliminary research and development contract is held by Lockheed’s Marietta division for the development of a supersonic jet tanker, but the company is reported to be using some of its own money to render the machine convertible for use as a cargo transport also. A civil derivative will probably be Lockheed’s hope as a successor to the Boeing 707 and the Douglas DC-8.

Source: Flight International