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Flight 24.8.1956

50 years ago

Private Owner Fined

At Lymington, Hants, on August 14, a private owner, Mr. Norman Jones of Claygate, Surrey, was fined £200 - the maximum - for landing his aircraft (a Tiger Moth) at Beaulieu R.A.F. airfield, Hants, without permission. He was also ordered to pay £30 2s 2d costs. Edwin Snelling, of the police at the airfield, said he saw the defendant's aircraft land at 10:15hr on March 17. The pilot was taken to the guardroom and there told him: "Yes, it was a normal landing. I thought the airfield was disused." Sgt. John Holliday, R.A.F., said that it was pointed out to Mr. Jones that all the runways had 60ft crosses on them to indicate that no landings were allowed unless in an emergency. An appeal is being lodged.

Col. D. C. Schilling

We regret to record the death in a car accident of Colonel David C. Schilling, U.S.A.F. "Dave" Schilling was one of the great fighter pilots of World War 2 in the European theatre and was awarded American, British and French decorations. He shot down 23 enemy aircraft. After the war he did much of the pioneer long-distance work with Flight Refuelling, Ltd., and during 1950 made the first non-stop trans-Atlantic jet fighter crossing in an F-84. In 1952 he led a large formation of jet fighters on a flight-refuelled non-stop crossing of the Pacific to Japan.

Soviet Bases

According to U.S.A.F. intelligence officers, there has been substantial reinforcement of Russian military air strength in the region of the U.S.S.R. nearest to the North American continent. Apparently a large part of Russia's increased output of fighters and bombers is sent to bases in the far north-east of the Soviet Union. General Nathan Twining, U.S.A.F. Chief of Staff, said last week he was disturbed by the mass production of military aircraft in the U.S.S.R., commenting that Russia had "thousands more jet combat planes in operational units than the U.S. Air Force and Navy combined."  


Source: Flight International