To mark the 25th anniversary of Airline Business, 25 leading airline industry executives who have helped shape the sector over the last quarter century, give their reflections on the last 25 years and the challenges for the years to come.

Lufthansa's supervisory board chairman Jurgen Weber on how Lufthansa has positioned itself over the last 25 years and on tapping the potential from consolidation and partnerships He writes:

Juergen Weber 

"Stability and control are the essence of safe flying and succeeding as a business. On average, the airline industry is confronted with the challenge of new innovative cycles every 10 to 20 years. Keeping the craft on course and in trim and finding the right power-setting to master any potential rough ride is a task requiring entrepreneurial initiative, a sense of proportion and adaptive skills. How has Lufthansa managed to build a true airline group that finds itself well-positioned on the industry's leaderboard today?

Airline deregulation and its European variant of liberalisation led to a particularly dramatic cyclical change for all players at the time they were introduced. In the beginning, many airlines quarrelled and resisted change; only a few were bold and jumped in at the deep end".



More on Lufthansa

More leader perspectives and anniversary content 

25 year timeline grab (445) 

Source: Airline Business