To mark the 25th anniversary of Airline Business, 25 leading airline industry executives who have helped shape the sector over the last quarter century, give their reflections on the last 25 years and the challenges for the years to come.

Former British Airways chief executive Lord [Colin] Marshall looks back at the last 25 years and flags the increased impact of securit of on the business and bemoans the slow pace of global liberalisation for the sector. He writes:

Lord Marshall 

"Working in air transport, alongside wonderfully committed people was, for me, a great and fulfilling experience. Over the past 25 years, I learned that it was not a business for those of a nervous disposition or anyone seeking a quick profit.

Looking at air transport from the outside, it does appear to be a curious business. It is, in general, a growth industry, but collectively has never made any real money in its history; it has been prohibited by international regulation from normal commercial development; competition has been distorted by various forms of government support for effectively down-and-out carriers; and the industry's infrastructure suppliers have traditionally been monopolies. Yet the business has continued to attract enthusiastic new entrants".



More on British Airways

More leader perspectives and anniversary content 

25 year timeline grab (445) 

Source: Airline Business