Deccan Aviation Helicopters is rapidly expanding to meet strong demand for private charters in the Indian market with plans to take delivery of a pair of Eurocopter Super Pumas during the second quarter of this year.

The three-year-old Bangalore-based company has, meanwhile, struck a deal with Rolls-Royce to represent the UK company in the overhaul market for 250-series turbine engines in South-East Asia.

Deccan, founded by two ex-Indian army helicopter pilots, claims to be the country's largest private sector helicopter operator with a fleet of two Bell JetRangers, a pair of LongRangers, a 212 and 407 plus a single Eurocopter Ecureil, and sees "tremendous scope" for further growth.

The company says its main focus is on the heli-tourism market though it is increasing its presence in offshore oilfield support where it competes with government-owned Pavan Hans, which operates around 70 helicopters. R-R 250-series engines power a wide variety of helicopter types in operation in southeast Asia, and Deccan claims to have secured overhaul contracts on behalf of R-R for 48 engines.

Source: Flight International