Airbus and Australia’s Fortescue Future Industries (FFI) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to study liquid hydrogen and power-to-liquid fuels for aviation.

In joint statements, the two companies reaffirm Airbus’s ambition to see an in-service hydrogen powered aircraft by 2025.

Airbus ZEROe - Formation Flight

Source: Airbus

Artist concepts of zero emission aircraft

The MOU will see the two companies look at regulations, supply, and infrastructure related to the deployment of hydrogen as an aviation fuel. Airbus will share its knowledge about fleet energy use, hydrogen demand scenarios in aviation, refueling specifications and the aviation regulatory network.

FFI, for its part, will look at technology drivers in the hydrogen supply chain, and will create infrastructure deployment scenarios at targeted airports. According to its web site, FFI is focused on producing zero-emission green hydrogen from renewable sources.

“Partnerships and cross-sectoral approaches are a necessity to make zero emission aviation a reality,” says Glenn Llewellyn, Airbus’s vice president of Zero Emission Aircraft.

“Airbus is preparing itself to put a zero emission aircraft in service by 2035. But this will only be possible if we can ensure enough green hydrogen is produced worldwide and I’m thrilled to see FFI enthusiasm with regards to our ambition.”

Airbus has worked actively in the Asia-Pacific to form partnerships to explore hydrogen as a fuel.

At the February’s Singapore Airshow the airframer launched a study with Changi Aviation Group, the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore, and industrial gas company Linde to validate Singapore’s potential as a “Hyrdogen Hub.”

Just prior to the Singapore announcement, Airbus joined hands with Air Liquide, Incheon International Airport Corporation, and Korean Air signed to explore the use of hydrogen aviation fuel at Seoul Incheon.

Airbus also has an MOU with Air New Zealand to study the feasibility of hydrogen powered aircraft in New Zealand.