Chinese urban air test mobility firm EHang will carry out a series of test flights in Brazil, after obtaining an experimental flight authorisation certificate from the country’s regulators.

The Guangzhou-headquartered firm says it plans to use its autonomous EH216-S electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft for the test flight in the country, though it did not provide a timeline of test flights.

ehang 216

Source: EHang

EHang’s EH216-S will soon operate test flights in Brazil.

As part of the certification, EHang will work with its local partner and drone distributor company Gohobby for the demonstration flights. Gohobby is also EHang’s authorised sales representative in Brazil.

“These initiatives aim to advance research and development of concepts of operations and Unmanned Aircraft Traffic Management systems and services, ensuring safe and efficient deployments across Brazil,” states EHang.

The company adds that Chinese and Brazilian regulators are in discussions over the future certification of the EH216-S in Brazil. The aircraft received Chinese certification in 2023.

EHang says the two regulatory bodies are in discussion “for understanding the regulatory model adopted by the state of design and applicable regulatory frameworks for the operation of this new technology aircraft system in Brazil”.

Brazil is also the headquarters for Embraer-backed urban air mobility firm Eve, which itself is also making progress in getting its piloted eVTOL certificated.