UK-based Evolito will later this year begin handing to customers the prototype electric motors and controllers for the first integrated propulsion system it intends to bring to market.

Weighing just 40kg (88lb) but delivering 400kW, the system comprises a pair of stacked D500 axial flux motors and two MCX150 motor controllers.


Source: BillyPix

Harris says Evolito has been building the business and maturing technology

Chris Harris, Evolito chief executive, says later this year the first prototypes will “be sampled by customers”.

Evolito will seek certification for the powertrain, which Harris hopes it can obtain within two to three years.

Its Farnborough stand also features a 1MW motor – comprising three stacked D500 units – which weighs in at 90kg.

Since being spun out of Yasa Motors following the latter’s acquisition by Mercedes-Benz, Evolito has continued “building the organisation”, says Harris.

That has included maturing the underlying motor and controller technologies for customers “with a view to flying [on demonstrators] within 12 to 18 months”.

Evolito has also established a new production facility at its Bicester base, equipped with high-volume manufacturing equipment sourced from Mercedes-Benz, capable of building up to 20,000 motors per year.

“Not only can we scale to volume we are also bringing across automotive heritage on cost. If the market takes off we can do it at a very competitive price.”