Russian aerospace firm United Aircraft has named former deputy trade minister Oleg Bocharov as deputy chief executive.

Bocharov will have responsibility for the company’s strategic development as well as the implementation of civil aircraft manufacturing programmes and other state initiatives.

His appointment is the latest in a management shake-up of United Aircraft, which has been battling delays to its main civil aircraft programmes including the Yakovlev MC-21 and SJ-100.

The trade ministry last year cut back forecasts for commercial aircraft production to 2030 as a result of the schedule slips.

United Aircraft has had to adjust for supply constraints in the wake of international sanctions over the Ukrainian conflict, and focus on developing aircraft variants with a greater proportion of domestic components, including engines.

Oleg Bocharov-c-United Aircraft

Source: United Aircraft

Bocharov served as deputy trade and industry minister for eight years

Bocharov spent eight years in the ministerial post and United Aircraft states that his experience in state policy for aircraft manufacturing will be in “high demand”. He was a graduate of the Moscow Aviation Institute before entering industry and government service.

As part of the civil aircraft development programmes, the powerplant supplier to the MC-21 and SJ-100, United Engine, is implementing an IT system for aftermarket servicing of the models’ respective Aviadvigatel PD-14s and PD-8s.

United Engine says the digital platform will provide operators with up-to-date technical documentation and allow the company’s specialists to track data throughout the engines’ life cycle.

It says the system has successfully passed trials at Aviadvigatel and other enterprises including Perm Motors, Saturn and Klimov. It adds that it will also handle processes for the Klimov TV7-117ST-01/02 for the Ilyushin Il-114-300 turboprop, also undergoing flight testing.