Agenda8.15 Breakfast & Registration 9.00-9.05 Chairman’s address 9.05 Keynote address: Observations at mid-2008: How is the current market turmoil affecting airlines? - Tim Jeans, Managing Director, Monarch Airlines 9.45-10.20 Aircraft deliveries overview for 2008 Will airlines take delivery of aircraft in the designated timeframe? How much of the order book is rock solid? How much is subject to cancellations/deferrals? - Phil Seymour, Managing Director, IBA Group 10.20-11.00 Manufacturer Financing Panel Snapshot of 2008 deliveries and financing. Where is the money going to come from to finance upcoming deliveries? Are we facing a liquidity crisis in aviation? How much order ‘jockeying’ might take place? - Nigel Taylor, VP Customer Finance, Airbus - Kostya Zolotusky, Managing Director Capital Market Developments, Boeing Capital - Christophe Million-Rosseau, Senior Director Customer Finance, Airbus 11.00-11.30 Refreshment break 11.30-12.30 The banker’s view Is there enough capital available to fund the upcoming deliveries? To fund the lessors? To fund airlines? Will aviation face a liquidity crisis? - Martin Webb, Head of Aviation Finance, Alliance & Leicester - George Stinnes, Group Treasurer & Head of Investor Relations, British Airways - Bertrand Grabowski, Member of the board of Managing Directors, DVB Bank - Olaf Sachau, Head of Aviation Transportation Finance, HSH Nordbank - Christian McCormick, Head of Aviation Finance, Natixis Transport Finance 12.30-13.30 Lunch 13.30-14.15 Aviation Outlook - Chris Tarry, Aviation Industry Research and Advisory 14.15-15.00 Appraiser Panel - Olga Razzhivina, Senior Analyst, Ascend - Steve Jarvis, Managing Director, Avitas - Stuart Hatcher, Head of Valuations, IBA Group 15.00-15.30 Refreshment break
15.30-16.15 How will lessors free up their portfolios to make room for new deliveries? Will limited capital markets devastate certain lessors?
- John Leech, Senior VP + Head of Marketing, Orix Aviation - Paul Mason, President, GMT Global
16.15 Chairman closing remarks 16.30 Close
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