Canadian investors have acquired a majority share of Italy’s Parma airport, situated midway between Milan and Bologna.

The airport is primarily served by budget carrier Ryanair and the Moldovan operator FlyOne.

Canadian aviation firm Centerline Airport Partners says it has acquired a 51% shareholding in the airport company SOGEAP.

“Our international experience and commitment to excellence will bring significant benefits to the city and its people,” says Centerline chief executive Andrew O’Brian.

Parma airport-c-Google Maps

Source: Google Maps

Centerline will hold 51% of Parma airport operator SOGEAP

The company describes the measure as a “strategic investment” which “underscores our commitment to enhancing connectivity”.

“With a proven track record in airport management and development worldwide, Centerline is poised to elevate the airport’s operations and services,” it adds.

It aims to expand the destination network served from Parma, attracting international carriers to serve new routes.

“The main focus will be on an improved customer experience, ensuring that all passengers enjoy a seamless and enjoyable airport experience,” says Centerline.

“From check-in to departure, state-of-the-art technologies and best practices will be implemented to enhance efficiency and comfort.”

Unione Parmense Industriali will continue as a minority partner in the operating company, while chair Guido Dalla Rosa Prati will remain in his position.

Centerline adds that its technical partner, DAA International, will support Parma airport’s development.
