Russian federal air transport regulator Rosaviatsia’s veteran head, Alexander Neradko, has been replaced by deputy Dmitry Yadrov.

Neradko has arguably been the most senior figure in Russian civil aviation oversight for some 15 years, having led Rosaviatsia since 2009.

Prime minister Mikhail Mishustin issued an order on 15 September confirming Neradko had been “relieved of his position”, without elaborating on the reasons.

On the previous day, however, Mishustin formally signed a “declaration of gratitude” from the government to Neradko, citing his “many years of conscientious work” and his “great contribution to the development of domestic civil aviation”.

Neradko specialised in air safety during the 1990s, having previously worked as an aircraft engineer, and has been appointed to several senior positions since 2000 – among them the head of federal transport supervisor Rostransnadzor and the federal air navigation service.

He has steered Rosaviatsia through the pandemic and had remained in charge during the upheaval triggered by the Ukrainian conflict, during which Russian commercial flights to a number of countries have been blocked under international sanctions and Russian airspace, in retaliation, has been closed.

The situation also led the Russian government to retain, and re-register, large numbers of Western-built leased aircraft to maintain airline services, despite safety concerns from international organisations and legal action from lessors.

Yadrov-c-State ATM Corporation

Source: State ATM Corporation

Dmitry Yadrov has been appointed as the head of Rosaviatsia

Neradko’s successor, Dmitry Yadrov, has previously worked in various positions at the Russian air traffic management corporation and joined Rosaviatsia as a deputy head in 2019, undertaking activities relating to flight operations and airport infrastructure development.

Rosaviatsia says Yadrov’s priorities will centre on maintaining airworthiness of the aircraft fleets, certifying new Russian-built types, and development of the unmanned aerial vehicle sector.