The airbag, a standard safety feature in every car built today, is making its first appearances in aircraft cockpits.

Simula Safety Systems of Phoenix, Arizona (Hall 1, B13) has produced the first application of airbag technology in any aircraft cockpit worldwide.

The cockpit air bag system (CABS) is the culmination of years of research into aircrew survivability.

Marketing communications manager Brett Richardson claims: ""We're the only company that makes the cockpit airbag for the US Army UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters but we want to promote the CABS for other models – the technology could easily be applied to all helicopters.



"We're hoping for great things and we've had a lot of serious interest so far."

As well as CABS, Simula's stand features the remarkable Durachute – a lightweight and compact parachute designed for the US Navy which boasts environmental sealing technology providing a pack cycle of five years and a canopy shelf life of 27 years.

Founded in 1975, Simula has expanded its expertise and capabilities in safety technology and has a strong reputation for producing life-protecting designs and products for commercial and governmental applications.

Source: Flight Daily News