Flight testing of the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) aircraft has accelerated with the first flight of Lockheed Martin's X-35C aircraft carrier (CV) version.

The second X-35 demonstrator made its maiden flight on 16 December from Palmdale to the Edwards Air Force Base (AFB), California, test centre, with test pilot Joe Sweeney reporting that its "flying qualities were as good if not better than the simulator". The 27min flight reached 10,000ft (3,000m), 270kt (500km/h) and included a 14° angle of attack.

The X-35C is heavier than the X-32A conventional take-off and landing version (CTOL) and features enlarged wing and ailerons for CV approaches. The company hopes to complete 30-40 hours of test flying by February, including field carrier landing practice.

The X-32A has clocked up 75h of CV and CTOL flying including probe-and-drogue refuelling from a Boeing KC-10 tanker. The final X-32B and X-35B short take-off and landing demonstrators are being readied for first flights around March.


Boeing's Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) X-32A concept demonstrator aircraft broke the sound barrier on 21 December during "up and away" tests at Edwards AFB. The milestone was achieved at 30,000ft on the aircraft's 49th flight since its first on 18 September. The same day, Boeing also began critical engine tests on its X-32B short take-off and vertical landing demonstrator at nearby Palmdale.

The aircraft has also completed its initial inflight refuelling.

Source: Flight International