Boeing’s commercial activity slowed to a trickle in July, when the company handed over just four jets and took in no new aircraft orders.

Detailing its July activity on 11 August, the airframer also revealed eight new cancellations for the 737 Max, bringing the total for the month to 43.

Boeing 777X 777-9 first flight Belly

Source: Boeing

Despite the troubled state of the industry, Boeing has moved forward with flight testing its 777X

Those previously unannounced Max cancellations include two more jets axed by Avolon, five cancelled by prospective Canadian start-up Jetlines and one Boeing Business Jet removed by an unnamed customer.

Avolon has already disclosed cancellations of about 100 Max jets.

A total of 35 cancellations had already been announced in July: 20 from lessor Alafco and 15 from AerCap. 

The July performance reflects the troubled, pandemic-hammered state of the airline industry and ongoing travel restrictions, Boeing says.

Those factors have spurred order cancellations and delivery deferrals and hindered the ability of customers to travel to the USA to receive new jets, it adds.

“Although we are starting to see some air traffic recovery in some places, the industry as a whole continues to grapple with the impact of the virus,” Boeing says. “We continue to work with customers as they… evaluate their fleet requirements.”

The four aircraft deliveries in July included one 767 Freighter, one 777F and two 787s.

Boeing adds that the low level of July deliveries also reflects tweaks in “production timing”, meaning some have shifted from July into early August.

In addition to cancellations, Boeing reduced its backlog by another nine 737 Max to align with “ASC 606” accounting adjustments.

Though Boeing still holds contracts to sell those jets, the company does not expect the deals will close due to factors that can include the financial condition of the customers.

With the four deliveries, 43 cancellations and nine downward accounting adjustments, Boeing’s backlog in July declined by 56, from 4,552 to 4,496 jets.

To date, Boeing has delivered 74 aircraft: nine 737s (including NG and military variants) one 747, 15 767s, 11 777s and 38 777s.

Boeing this year has booked 59 orders. But its net figure for 2020 is negative to the tune of 836 aircraft, owing to cancellations, accounting adjustments and order conversions.