All Nippon Airways has applied the low-drag AeroShark surface film on a single Boeing 777 freighter, becoming the second Asian operator to use the film on its aircraft. 

The first 777F with the AeroShark film (JA771F) entered service on 3 September, operating a flight from Tokyo Narita to Chicago.  

ANA Aeroshark

Source: ANA

ANA has applied the AeroShark film on a single 777 freighter

ANA adds that it intends to apply the film on a passenger 777-300ER (JA796A), which will enter service early next year.

ANA worked with AeroShark developer Lufthansa Technik for the application of the film on its 777F. 

“As ANA begins operations with two Boeing 777 equipped with [AeroShark] films, the airline will validate the effectiveness of this technology in ANA’s daily operation, with plans to expand its use across other aircraft of the same type,” the Star Alliance carrier states. 

The film, measuring 50 micormilimeters thick, replicates shark skin, and reduces aerodynamic drag on the airframe, lowering fuel consumption and emissions by 1-2%. About 830sq m (8,930sq ft) of the film will be used to cover the fuselage and engine nacelles.

ANA is the second Asian carrier with the AeroShark film on its 777s. Fellow Star Alliance member EVA Air announced in late August it would be coating its 777Fs with the film, with the first example to enter service in September. 

So far, the film has been installed on aircraft operating in the Lufthansa Group: a sole Lufthansa 747-400, all 12 777-300ERs operated by Swiss International Air Lines, and four 777Fs that fly for Lufthansa Cargo. Work has also begun on applying the film to four Austrian Airlines 777-200ERs.

ANA is the first airline to operate both passenger and cargo aircraft coated with the AeroShark film.