Joint administrators of former UK-based freight carrier CargoLogicAir are pressuring software specialist Microsoft to recover essential financial data, after records were deleted when user access was withdrawn.

CargoLogicAir, which operated a fleet of Boeing 747 freighters, was linked to Russian freight company Volga-Dnepr Group.

Sanctions imposed over the Ukrainian conflict prevent it from serving key European and US destinations, and CargoLogicAir entered administration in November 2022.

CargoLogicAir’s ability to access electronic records has been blocked as a consequence of the sanctions regime.

Inability to access Microsoft subscription services is “severely hampering” progress, the administrators state, because financial data is required to pursue book debts.

CargoLogicAir 747-8F-c-km30192002 Creative Commons

Source: km30192002/Creative Commons

CargoLogicAir operated a fleet of 747 freighters before entering administration in 2022

While Microsoft’s Irish operations arm is co-operating – albeit through solicitors’ channels – the administrators have learned that the subscriptions have been “deprovisioned”, which means access to the services has been withdrawn.

“[Microsoft has] permanently deleted the records and it is not possible for the records to be restored,” they add.

“We have requested for [Microsoft] to explain, from a technical perspective, how the data can be recovered, however expensive or time-consuming this may be.”

If the absence of records means the book debts and other assets cannot be collected, the administrators state that they will explore the possibility of making claims against Microsoft.

Technical records relating to the 747s formerly operated by the carrier also need to be returned, in line with lease agreements.

But the administrators are concerned that certain records may be missing, given the deletion of electronic data, and they are seeking to reconcile physical records to satisfy new owners of the aircraft.

“A considerable amount of time has been spent by the joint administrators and legal advisors on the issues with the records,” they add.

“Lack of records available is affecting the realisations of assets so it is vitally important this work continues so a solution can be found for the benefit of creditors.”