France, Germany and the UK are suspending bilateral air services agreements with Iran, and looking to impose sanctions on Iran Air over the export of Iranian missiles to Russia.

The measures are intended to pressure the Iranian government over its provision of weapons that will support Russia’s military campaign against Ukraine.

In a joint statement the three European countries’ foreign ministries state that the export is an “escalation” and that they have been “privately and publicly clear” that such a transfer would result in further sanctions.

“We now have confirmation that Iran has made these transfers,” they add. “We will be taking immediate steps to cancel bilateral air services agreements with Iran.”

Iran Air A330-c-Mark Harkin Creative Commons

Source: Mark Harkin/Creative Commons

Iran Air lists Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Paris and London among its destinations in Europe

Along with pursuing sanctions against entities and individuals associated with the missile programme and the weapons transfer, the ministries state that the governments will “also work towards imposing sanctions on Iran Air”.

They have urged Iran to “immediately cease” all support to the Russian war against Ukraine and “halt” the development and transfer of missiles.

Timeframes for the bilateral suspensions and sanctions against Iran Air have yet to be confirmed.