The first Italian air force Panavia Tornado IDS strike aircraft has arrived at Alenia Aeronautica's Turin Caselle plant for the start of a mid-life upgrade (MLU).

The air force is planning a three-stage programme, involving different batches of Tornados. The programme is to include cockpit upgrades, a new avionics suite - consisting of self-defence, navigation and communication systems; mission computer; radar and attack sensor upgrades - as well as the integration of several new weapons, including the MBDA Storm Shadow stand-off missile and Boeing's Joint Direct Attack Munition.

Alenia is prime contractor and is discussing pricing options with the Italian air force logistics command. A final agreement is expected by year-end.

The cost could reach g1.5 billion ($1.38 billion) and the first upgraded Tornado could be back in service by the end of 2004.

All Tornado IDS, Tornado ECR electronic combat and reconnaissance aircraft and some of the operational conversion trainers are to receive the MLU package.

Source: Flight International