All air transport news – Page 342

  • Stock image pilots in cockpit_c_unsplash

    FAA eases some flight crew requirements in response to pandemic


    The Federal Aviation Administration has eased some flight crew training and medical requirements in light of the coronavirus outbreak.

  • EasyJet fuselage

    EasyJet founder threatens board over Airbus fleet expansion


    UK budget carrier EasyJet’s founder, Stelios Haji-Ioannou, is threatening methodically to dismantle the company’s board if it fails to take action to reduce the airline’s commitment to additional Airbus jets. Haji-Ioannou, who has previously expressed concerns over the airline’s expansion, has laid out his attack plan in a strongly-worded communication ...

  • Mahan A310

    Mahan A310 crew overran after displaced threshold blunder


    Iranian investigators have found that a Mahan Air Airbus A310-300 crew mistakenly landed long and overran at Yerevan after failing to check which end of the landing runway was subject to a displaced threshold. The A310, arriving from Tehran on 26 May last year, had been cleared for an ILS ...

  • Getafe

    Airbus suspends Spanish production as outbreak restrictions tighten


    Airbus is suspending most of its production in Spain for more than a week, as it continues its efforts to address the coronavirus situation. Spain has been particularly hard-hit among European countries. Airbus says it is to suspend the “majority of production” until 9 April, in the aftermath of new ...

  • EasyJet

    EasyJet parks entirety of fleet after completing rescue services


    UK budget carrier EasyJet has opted to ground the remainder of its aircraft fleet, after completing hundreds of repatriation flights in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak. It has also reached an agreement to furlough cabin crew for a two-month period from 1 April, paying them through a UK government ...

  • A350-1000

    Qantas pilots vote in favour of Project Sunrise pay deal


    Qantas long-haul pilots have voted in favour of a deal on pay and conditions for Project Sunrise flights. The deal means existing Qantas long-haul pilots will fly Airbus A350s if an order is made for the ultra-long-haul project, Australia’s biggest airline says in a statement. Project Sunrise is the airline’s ...

  • Thai A350-900

    Thai A350 descended below 670ft while still far from Frankfurt runway


    German investigators have detailed an approach incident in which a Thai Airways Airbus A350-900 descended to less than 670ft above ground while still nearly 6.5nm (12km) from touchdown at Frankfurt Main. The aircraft (HS-THF) had been inbound from Phuket, at night but in good visibility, on 1 January. While descending ...

  • A330 MRTT

    Airbus uses A330 tanker to fly coronavirus air bridge


    Airbus is deploying additional aircraft including an A330 tanker conversion airframe to provide flight support for medical supplies from China to Europe. The aircraft, an A330-200 (EC-338), has been undergoing conversion as a multi-role tanker transport, for the French Air Force, according to Cirium fleets data. Airbus says the Rolls-Royce ...

  • B737 prod-2018-renton-c-Boeing-970

    US aerospace industry reviewing aid options in 880-page coronavirus relief bill


    The coronavirus relief law signed by President Donald Trump on 27 March sets aside billions of dollars in available loans to distressed and national-security-critical companies – categories into which aerospace manufacturers like Boeing and its suppliers may fall.

  • UTC landing systems

    DOJ requires divestitures prior to Raytheon-UTC tie up


    The US Department of Justice (DOJ) will only approve the proposed Raytheon-United Technologies merger if the companies divest some radio, optical and GPS businesses.

  • american-airlines-tail

    Trump signs economic aid bill


    US President Donald Trump has signed a $2 trillion aid package designed to support distressed companies and employees after the coronavirus pandemic massively disrupted the US economy in the past weeks. 

  • Airbus delivery centre
    Airline Business

    Potential glut of near-term deliveries exceeds 2,700 airliners


    Cirium fleets data illustrates size of potential problem facing Airbus and Boeing through next two years

  • Hop CRJ

    Language barrier highlighted after Hop CRJ incursion averted at Lyon


    French investigators have highlighted the part played by language differences during a serious conflict incident in which a landing Hop Bombardier CRJ700 was cleared to cross a runway while an EasyJet Airbus A319 was taking off. The A319 had been cleared, in English, to take off from Lyon’s runway 35L ...

  • Dan Korte 2-2019

    Driving performance at PPG Aerospace


    Dan Korte is global vice-president for PPG Industries’ aerospace business, where he helps develop strategy at the paints, coatings and parts supplier and has responsibility for driving its performance 

  • Rolls-Royce Trent XWB assembly

    Rolls-Royce cools UK civil aerospace activity for a week


    Rolls-Royce is to shut down its UK civil aerospace operations for a week, from 27 March, as part of its response to the coronavirus crisis. The manufacturer says it will “significantly reduce” all but essential activity within its civil aerospace facilities. Workers will continue to be paid, it stresses. Defence ...

  • Max grounded in Washington

    Americas 26 March recap: US Senate passes bill, Embraer sees deferments


    The US Senate passed an economic stimulus bill designed to support workers and industries, including the airline sector, after the global coronavirus crisis ravaged the economy in past weeks.

  • 737 Renton line

    US government aid to aerospace could mean oversupply in future, but avert ‘catastrophe’ now: analyst


    While government support would provide vital relief to US aerospace manufacturing at a time of impending crisis, such aid could create a “synthetic” aircraft market to the detriment of the industry in future years.

  • McCarranIntlAirport_Churchill_0643

    US Senate approves economic aid, bill moves to House


    The US Senate passed an economic stimulus bill that is designed to support industry and workers after the global coronavirus crisis exploded, and ravaged the economy in the past three weeks.

  • 737 Max

    Safran reinforces finances as outbreak exacerbates Max misery


    French aerospace firm Safran has enhanced, in the wake of the coronavirus crisis, measures it had already been implementing in response to the grounding of the Boeing 737 Max. Safran’s activities include production of the CFM International Leap-1B engines for the Max as well as the Leap-1A powerplants for the ...

  • El Al

    El Al awaits state funding decision after halting passenger flights


    Israeli flag-carrier El Al has opted to suspend all remaining passenger flights, as it awaits potential government financial support. El Al says the suspension, on 26 March, will continue until 4 April. It will continue to provide rescue and repatriation services as well as freight flights, some of which will ...