All Airframers news – Page 219

  • Taxibot

    ​ANALYSIS: IAI to start widebody TaxiBot certification in autumn


    Israel Aerospace Industries and Lufthansa Technik's ground services unit LEOS have signed a tentative agreement to jointly conduct certification tests for an in-development widebody version of IAI's pilot-controlled tow tractor TaxiBot with a Boeing 747.

  • A380

    ANALYSIS: A380 re-engining continues to divide analysts


    In a lightly attended Dubai air show press conference about 15 months ago, then-Engine Alliance president Dean Athans delivered an unexpected message. The joint venture between GE Aviation and Pratt & Whitney was evaluating a wide range of performance upgrades for the GP7200, including offering an all-new engine to power ...

  • News

    Bombardier opens window for CS300 first flight


    ​Bombardier has set a three-day window next week to achieve first flight of the 135-160-seat CS300, the largest and most popular version of the CSeries family.

  • 757 routes

    ANALYSIS: What are 757s used for?


    Airlines looking for a direct replacement for the Boeing 757 have got a long wait, now that the airframer has closed the door on any revival of the mid-range, large-capacity single aisle that has been out of production for a decade.

  • CSeries

    OPINION: Bombardier counts cost of CSeries gamble


    ​As Bombardier reshuffles its leadership and seeks to contain a financial crisis, it is time to consider how things could have gone so wrong for the Canadian manufacturer.

  • Trent 1000

    Rolls-Royce predicts dip in civil aerospace profits


    ​Rolls-Royce is forecasting lower pre-tax profits in its civil aerospace division for 2015, as volume growth is offset by adverse effects such as launch pricing.

  • Cseries Ilyushin

    Bombardier chief steps down, divestitures possible


    A reshuffled leadership team has outlined a three-point plan for shoring up Bombardier’s finances as CSeries development continues, and has opened the door to selling more of the company’s businesses.

  • News

    Boeing takes back nacelle work to North Charleston


    ​Boeing has expanded its operations in North Charleston, South Carolina, and brought more work in-house previously performed by a supplier.

  • News

    Boeing rejects business case for 757 re-engining


    ​Boeing vice-president Randy Tinseth says the company has studied reviving and re-engining the 757 “a couple” of times, but concluded that the economics do not make sense.

  • News

    Boeing consolidates major defense, space programs


    ​Boeing is consolidating management of several of its vanguard defense, space and commercial programs under a single development organization, a move the company says will improve efficiency and cut costs for the US military and other customers.

  • A350-500 v 777-200LR

    A340's long haul opened this day in 2002


    ​History buffs, take a moment today to mark the first flight of Airbus’s A340-500, way back in 2002.

  • Asiana A320neo

    PICTURE: Asiana signs LOI for 25 A321neos


    South Korean carrier Asiana Airlines has signed a letter of intent with Airbus to order 25 A321neos.

  • AirTanker for Thomas Cook - Crown Copyright

    AirTanker starts A330 conversion for Thomas Cook


    AirTanker is on schedule to deliver an Airbus A330-200 to Thomas Cook Airlines by May under a lease arrangement.

  • RNZAF crew MH370

    ICAO recommends 15min tracking interval for airliners


    ​Less than a year after the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, ICAO has recommended adopting a new aircraft tracking standard for airlines with automated position updates every 15min.

  • Breaking ground at mobile - Airbus

    ANALYSIS: US South rises on Airbus, Boeing expansion


    ​What a difference a decade makes in the geography of the US aerospace industry. It was only 2004 when the US Southeast region was known in aerospace circles primarily as a base for NASA in Florida and Alabama and a manufacturing hub for Gulfstream business jets and Lockheed Martin fighters ...

  • Faradair

    ANALYSIS: Start-up offers ultimate green machine


    ​A six-seater, fixed-wing aircraft that operates silently, takes off and lands in confined urban areas, ticks all the green boxes through a combination of hybrid engines, solar panels and wind turbines, and has unmanned capabilities in case of a pilot emergency.

  • Opinion

    OPINION: Time for Boeing to control 787 costs


    ​Boeing has spent a lot of money on the 787 ­programme. How long will it take to make a profit on the project, and do investors care if accounting rules allow it to declare a unit profit now?

  • News

    UAC prepares for work on joint long-haul project


    ​United Aircraft has affirmed that it intends to begin work on a joint long-haul aircraft with China, following the opening of a new design centre.

  • AN-24 - AirTeamImages

    Top 10 Russian and Soviet types in airline service


    ​Recent reports from Russia – quickly denied – that Lufthansa was among a group of blue-chip foreign carriers casting a serious eye over the in-development Irkut MC-21 narrowbody prompted us to research the 10 most popular in-service Russian and Soviet commercial types. Here is the list, according to Flightglobal’s Ascend ...

  • C919

    Huaxia Financial Leasing signs LOI for 20 C919s


    Huaxia Financial Leasing has inked a letter of intent with Comac for 20 C919 narrowbodies.